Friday, 30 June 2017

China Post, Xizhou, China

Here is a slightly truncated painted sign for the China Postal Saving Bank, a commercial retail bank set up by the State Post Bureau in 2007.

中国邮政         邮政储蓄
[China Post       Postal Saving]

Originally, the complete second part of this sign would certainly have been:
[Postal Saving Bank]

Location: Xizhou, Yunnan, China

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Twelve socialist core values, Xizhou, China

Painted signs of a political nature are everywhere in China. This example dates from 2014, when the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, issued the "12 socialist core values" (in China it is known as the "24" because of the number of characters), as an important step in the construction of the socialist system. The slogan lists those essential values of Chinese socialism that should guide the actions of the government, society and individuals.

富强 民主 文明 和谐 自由 平等
公正 法治 爱国 敬业 诚信 友善
[Prosperity, Democracy, Civilization, Harmony, Freedom, Equality,
Justice, the Rule of Law, Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity and Friendliness]

According to the CPC, prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony are attached to the state. Freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law should guide Chinese society. As for patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness, they are the responsibility of each individual.
The order is quite telling: contrary to Western democracies, where the individual comes first, China focuses first on the state, then society, and the individual comes last.

Location: Xizhou, Yunnan, China

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Public phone, Xizhou, China

This curious house, known locally as the Round House (圓樓), used to be Xizhou's highest building. Sadly it is now looks abandoned. I could not find any information about its history but a very simple ghost sign indicates there was once a public phone there.

[Public phone] 

The sign is actually written twice, on each side of the door: in two vertical lines to the left, and on a single vertical one on the to the right.


Location: Xizhou, Yunnan, China

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Fire Prevention Strategy, Advice No. 4, Xizhou, China

This sign is part of the Chinese authorities' fire prevention strategy, which includes twelve precautionary meaures. It represents the fourth advice (see them all here). In a small rural town such as Xizhou, where stoves are widely used, it is particularly relevant.

[Do Not Place Inflammable Items Near Stoves, Make Sure Ashes Are Completely Cold Before Disposal, Keep Stacks of Hay Outside the House]

Location: Xizhou, Yunnan, China

Monday, 26 June 2017

Protect Arable Land for the Benefit of the Children, Xizhou, China

This week features a series of painted signs from Xizhou, a small town in the province of Yunnan, China, famous for its well preserved Bai architecture. As can be expected in China, advertising, political slogans, and various pieces of public information can be found on the walls.

The slogan below reminds people of the importance of preserving agricultural land for future generations. The sentence first appeared in official publications in the early 2010s and highlights one of China's growing problems: the increasing pollution of its land and water resources, and the ensuing challenge to feed its population.

保护耕地, 造福子孙!
[Protect Arable Land for the Benefit of the Children!]

Location: Xizhou, Yunnan, China

Saturday, 24 June 2017

B. K. Dental Shop, Kathmandu

The area around Bangemudha, at the junction of Chandramn Singh Marg and Chittadhar Marg in Kathmandu, is home to several dentists and associated dental businesses, who often advertise their services with a characteristic smile. Their concentration in this part of the city is explained by the presence on the small square of the shrine to Vaisha Dev, the Newari toothache god, and therefore of potential customers. The shrine consists of a large log (Bangemudha means "Crooked Tree" and was the name of the legendary tree the log was cut from), which is completely hidden underneath thick layers of coins nailed into it. These coins have been placed by people seeking the god's help to cure toothaches.

B. K. Dental Shop 

The shrine to Vaisha Dev at Bangemudha

Location: Banghemudha, Kathmandu

Friday, 23 June 2017

Jewellery Workshop, Kathmandu

It looks as if the more elaborate design of the first past of this sign was abandoned in favour or greater visibility. The combination of red letters and projected blue shadows did not give a great result indeed.

NR Jwellery [sic] Workshop

Location: Kathmandu

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Electronic Center, Kathmandu

Two years after the dramatic earthquakes that devastated Nepal, many buildings are still in need of repairs.

Electronic Center

Location: Kathmandu

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Ozzmusic Guitar Classes, Kathmandu

Looking for music classes in the Asan neighbourhood of Kathmandu? Here is the answer.

Ozzmusic. net
Guitar Classes
For All Level of Students
For Details
Contact 4th Floor

Location: Kathmandu

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Opera Eye Wear, Kathmandu

This opera refers neither to a building nor a musical and dramatic piece but to an optician in the Thahity neighbourhood of central Kathmandu

Ph 4250313
Eye Wear

Location: Kathmandu

Monday, 19 June 2017

GEM Plasticware, Kathmandu

Nepalese company Gem Plasticrafts has been producing in its Kathmandhu factory buckets, containers, jugs, mugs and other plastic products since 1986. Many painted signs for its GEM Plasticware brand can be seen around the country.
The vast majority of shops in Nepal have their roller shutters painted with adverts.

Symbol of Quality & Customer Trust
Since 1986
A Household Name for Quality Houseware

Location: Kathmandu

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Ironmonger, Kathmandu

A typical Nepalese shop with the name and nature of the business painted above the entrance

For the yellow, blue and red sign on the shop next door, check this coming Monday's post.

Location: Kathmandu

Friday, 16 June 2017

Kathesimbhu Stupa, Kathmandu

A lovely sign with a representation of the Kathesimbhu Stupa in Central Kathmandu. Said to have been built around 1650, this stupa is a small replica of the much larger, and older, Swayambhunath that rises on a hill two kilometres to the west of the city centre (the name itself is a contraction of Kathmandu and Swayambhu). Those who cannot climb the 365 steps to Swayambhunath can earn the same merit by performing rites at Kathsimbhu.

Location: Kathmandu

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Litmus Cables and Conductors, Kathmandu

Painted sign for the Litmus brand of cables manufactured by Lumbini Vidyut Udyog, a company founded in 1977 and based in the Butwal region, close to the Indian border.

Location: Jyatha Marg, Kathmandu

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Bahadur Photos / Kodak Film, Kathmandu

Lovely to see some advertising for companies that have almost completely disappeared in the digital photography age.

Bahadur Photos

Location: Chandraman Singh Marg, Kathmandu

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Bhumee Handicraft Center, Kathmandu

Naghal ... (Thamel)
& Retailer
(Gold & Silver
Plated Idol)

Gold &
Plated Idol

Location: Chandraman Sing Marg, Kathmandu

Monday, 12 June 2017

Purit, Kathmandu

A painted sign that reminds us that, sadly, tap water is unsafe in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu.

Pure It

Each Table Contains
Halazone USP 5 mg

Location: Kathmandu

Saturday, 10 June 2017

D. K. Trekking Shop, Kathmandu

I loved the Michelin Man-like skier on this sign.

D. K. Trekking Shop
Wholesale & Retail
Sale and Repair Center
Down Suit, Jacket
Tent, Bag, Sleeping Bag etc.
Mobile: 9808377418

Location: Jyatha Marg, Kathmandu

Friday, 9 June 2017

Santosh Best Hair Dresser, Kathmandu

Here is the first of a series of Nepalese painted signs spotted during a recent visit to this beautiful country.

Santosh Best
Dresser Sailoon [sic]
(Ladies & Gents) Massage
Hair Dai [sic]

Location: Jyatha Marg, Kathmandu