The only mentions of a brush maker at this location I've found relates to the year 1832, and to be more precise to the fateful date of May 22. Indeed The New Monthly Magazine tells us that
J. D. Gordley, New Bond-street and Milsom-street, Bath, brush maker and perfumer at the Three-cups-inn, Northgate-street, Bathhas been declared bankrupt. This is confirmed by The Bankrup Directory for the period December 1820 to April 1843, although the name is spellt as Gorely, Jeffery Daniel. The same spelling is used in The Law Journal.
Searching for J. D. Gorely reveals a happier event. On February 4, 1826, he married Mary Ann Webb at Holy Trinity Church in Bristol.
Did anyone take his business over and continue making brushes at this address or has this painted sign been misguiding potential customers since 1832? I am afraid I don't have any definite answer to that question.
Location: Milsom Street, Bath, Somerset / Picture taken on: 17/07/2010
Hi. Nice site you have here.
We have a good selection of signs on here, please take a look:
Hi John,
Thanks for the message. Lovely selection of ghost signs on your facebook page.
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