Wednesday 2 May 2012

Orcombe Point service, Exmouth

The red sandstone and mudstone rocks of Orcombe Point rise three kilometres southeast of Exmouth. They mark the beginning of the Jurassic Coast, which stretches for over 150 km to Old Harry Rocks on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset. With its amazing views -on clear days- Orcombe Point has long attracted visitors and although the walk along the coast from Exmouth is pleasant, ending with a very gentle climb, some preferred to make the journey by bus.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s many visitors would have arrived in Exmouth by train and would have noticed this ghost sign inviting them to join the service operated by Millers Tours. Painted on a red brick façade, its yellow background certainly made it stand out.
Even though the lower part of the sign has been painted over (possibly after another company took over from Millers), it is still possible to decipher what was written, with the exception of the last line which is too damaged to recognise anything but a couple of letters.

Starts From Here
Booking Office
For Millers
... [Excursions?]

Unfortunately a very flashy modern sign for one of these ghastly amusement arcades that all too often spoil English seaside towns has been placed right in the middle of this ghost sign.

Location: Imperial Road, Exmouth, Devon / Pictures taken in April 2012

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