Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tali Jagat Raya, Banyuatis

A stop along the road between Munduk and the north coast of Bali to look at rice terraces in the morning sun also provided an opportunity to take a picture of a recently painted sign.

Tali Jagat Raya is a brand of cigarettes manufactured by the Bentoel Group, Indonesia's second largest tobacco company and a subsidiary of British American Tobacco.

Tali Jagat
Citarasa nikmat
Merodok dapat Menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung,
impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin.

Tali Jagat
Delicious Flavour
Jagat *
Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks,
impotence and during pregnancy can harm the foetus.

*: "Tali Jagat" means "Rope of the Universe."

Location: Banyuatis, Bali, Indonesia

1 comment:

Sam Roberts (Ghostsigns) said...

I love that they have the health warning included. It's what gives away these Jack Daniel's faux signs...